A consequence of selling land to individuals was that money, rather than Puritan church membership, became the prerequisite for land acquisition.
New England developed differently than the other colonies because there was initially a very devout focus on the Puritan ideals so later colonists from England tended to settle in the middle colonies and in the South. In the early colonial days, the settlements in New England were usually fishing villages or farming hamlets along the rivers where there was more fertile land. The general population of New England was highly literate compared to other colonial communities because individual study of the bible was important. The soil in the New England Colonies was not as fertile as further south. There was however an abundance of timber to use in construction and for export back to England, where there was a shortage of wood. In addition, the furs from wildlife were also traded and became a commodity. Land was abundant and relatively inexpensive initially. There evolved a population of wealthy merchants who built water-powered textile mills along the rivers which led to early industrialization in this region.
The Great Compromise brought about two houses of Congress.
In the first house, the House of Representatives, representation is chosen/elected based on population.
In the second house, the Senate, each state has two senators elected by the state's legislature members
Hope this helps!!
The answer is D. Both A. and C.
Community psychology emerged in the mid-20th-century, largely influenced by social movements, such as feminism and the civil rights movement. Its basic principle is that mental health problems are not only individual, but are also influenced by the social environment, oppression, poverty and other social conditions. It is not enough to treat the individual, if the social environment around him doesn't change which is why an intervention that adresses social conditions is fundamental to decrease the risk of mental disease. Therefore, one of its goals was to change the mental health system, incorporate the perspective of community psychology in treatment but also to take a preventive perspective on mental health, instead of a reactive one.