Racial oppression and prejudice, fitting into the cultural normalities and societal standards, finding a job, possibly learning the language which they are not fluent in, etc.
C.) Incas
Túpac Amaru (1545 – 24 September 1572) was the last monarch (Sapa Inca) of the Neo-Inca State, the remnants of the Inca Empire in Vilcabamba, Peru. He was executed by the Spanish following a months-long pursuit after the fall of the last stronghold of the Neo-Inca State.
A) It facilitated cultural exchange between Asia and the Middle East.
This answer makes the most sense because the Silk Road was the main reason why there was cultural exchange between these two regions.
Judaism and Islam did not spread from China to other regions, in fact Judaism originated in Israel while Islam originated in Saudi Arabia.
D makes absolutely no sense because there's an ocean between these continents, and the silk road was definitely not a water-way trade route.
Fun facts (Most of them are on tumblr) :
Alexander Hamilton is good with children, even his political enemies are very surprised by this.
Alexander Hamilton is bi. Many historians believed that him and John Laurens are lovers evidence by how sweet they are to each other in their letters.
John Laurens didn't tell Alexander that he was married causing Alexander to be jealous.
Thomas Jefferson got slapped by Angelica Schuyler so hard he was afraid to face her nor go to parties when he thought she's going to be there.
George Washington considered Lafayette as his adopted son, and Lafayette named his only son after him.
James Madison is the shortest president ever.
Dolley Madison (James' wife) is a brave woman who went through a burning building to save a portrait of George Washington.
Thomas Jefferson fathered many children from his slaves (aside from Sally Hemmings.)
Aaron Burr tried to start an empire in Texas
Thomas Jefferson smuggled a rice in the U.S. by shoving it in his pockets.
Lafayette once gifted an alligator to John Adams.
Laurens, Lafayette and Hamilton was nicknamed "gay trios" by Alexander's son.