The French, Spanish, and English all had land on our continent. England tried to blockade our ships from trading with Europe. The English seized our ships and their cargo. The French seized our ships and their cargo. all the above.
The greenhouse effect is often caused by the atmospheric accumulation of gases. Those gases tend to be Carbon Dioxide and/or Methane
The greenhouse effect is caused by these gases because Carbon Dioxide and Methane absorb some of the heat that radiates off of Earth's surface, trapping the heat and then the greenhouse gases absorb the heat and it leads to a rise in its temperature
B. France, Britian, and the united states declared war on Germany following Germanys invasion of Poland
works on edge
There is
Bonded Labor or Debt Bondage,
Domestic Servitude,
Unlawful Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers,
And child sex trafficking
Francis Bacon and René Descartes