English as a Global Language
English is fast becoming the dominant means by which the world is able to communicate. It is being referred to as the global language as it is seen as a common means for interaction between different countries. This new phenomena can be seen in a positive light because the use of English as a common language brings efficiency and greater understanding. Growth and development are not tolerant of differences and English becomes a means for international expansion. Nonetheless this also brings with it a development which “gobbles up cultures and traditions”.
C. They enjoy limited independence in the business
They have to do things the way the franchisor wants.
This section refines and serves the author’s purpose because It lets the reader know that the authors are going to describe how honey relates to the story of sugar. This book is about the history of sugar and the changes and consequences that sugar brought to humanity.
Rosaleen seems to change because the environment also changed. now she is with black females. Here, she had not the threat of white men who used to beat her up when she tried to exercise her civil right. lily noticed her sudden change as soon as she entered the house, while crossing the yard even though she was walking under the rain.