After reading this except from leo tolstoy’s the death of ivan ilyich I've recognized the sentence which shows that ivan ilyich’s daughter, lisa, does not empathize with her father’s suffering almos in the end of the excerpt. I am pretty sure that this sentence best shows what you need.
"it's as if we were to blame! i am sorry for papa, but why should we be tortured?"
An Antonym would be sorrowful
"Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it"
In this line, Usher's behavior of rising from the sofa to greet the narrator is a sign of friendly hospitality even though it seems as he rarely gets up from the sofa. Also, the narrator describes his greeting as vivacious. Vivacious means full of life and energy. This is in complete contrast to what we learn about Roderick Usher.While Usher is glad his friend has come, he is not full of life or energy.
Vintage and old!! could mean from the olden days but also old seems a little less light
Hauting America
In a century of inventions and discoveries, such as Charles Darwin's theory or the implementation of the telegraph, there was a parallel world, another life that was taking place in the USA.
Although the supposedly ghosts which were photographed were proved to be a fake (a smart trick of double images was used to create them), there actually existed unexplained facts connected to the supernatural.
Wandering spirits were seen or heard, or simply felt, by ordinary people while they were leading their ordinary lifes. Sounds of chains, mourns and creepy places began legends that we still keep in our culture.
Haunting America in the nineteenth century was a chain of events that arouse the interest of past beliefs related to life after death. However, above all was the cradle of several literary works and film productions.