3rd person Omniscient specifically because the author uses he, she, they.
I would say that the answer would be that it is a written agreement composed by a consensus of the new Settlers arriving at New Plymouth in November of 1620. The compact held the first written laws for the new land, and determined authority within the settlement.
Introduction - you state everything you’re going to talk about in this passage such as what your essay will be about and your opinion
Body- you give textual evidence and make sure to use in-text cited sources. use a lot of detail and make sure to explain everything thoroughly
(Counter-Argument- even though you’re only doing 3 paragraphs it’s recommended)- make an argument that other readers might use to argue against your claims. then use all of your claims to explain why their side of the argument is false and yours is superior.
Conclusion- conclude your writing with everything and make sure to end with a proper ending. Such as a call to action.
The elephant got angry....and just snapped his trunk into the car....the man bravely came out of the jeep and stuck himself on the corner
the car is slightly tilted
hats off to the driver still driving
funny tho