Look below
Brooding - moody, sullen, or unhappy in thought
Scrupulous - Concerned with avoiding wrong actions
Hedge - A boundary formed by bushes or shrubs
Abstain - restrain oneself from doing something
Trellis - support made from metal or wood for plants or vines to lean on
Contraints - limitations or restrictions
Lavish - expensive and elaborate
"Especially not" is a fragment.
B. Stuart feared he would never survive this big storm and would be lost forever.
First: Check for spelling or grammar mistake, and fix those. Second, check the formatting and structure, you could have the most perfectly grammatically correct piece of writing, ruined by the fact that nothing is in order. Thirdly, look at words and phrases to make sure you are not using any ambiguous language.
Answer: A. “I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array . . . ?” (paragraph 2)
Patrick Henry gave a powerful speech to the Virginia Convention in March 1775 as they debated on whether to go to war with their British rulers. Patrick argued that it was better to either live in freedom and liberty or to die trying than to live and be shackled.
The opposition to his line of thinking wanted peace for various reasons and he acknowledges these in all the options except option A. In option A he was simply stating that the only purpose the British could have for the massive army they were assembling was to subjugate the Americas.