In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which, to a certain extent, is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own; and consequently should be so constituted, that the members of each should have as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the others.
From this dialogue, we can conclude that she rejected him because he is too interested in money.
She says that 'passion' is his master now, and that it engrossed him - the word passion here refers to greed, not any romantic feelings. He became in love with his money rather than her, which is why she broke up with him. His life started spiraling at that moment, until he actually became the Scrooge.
Type of money system designed by Jefferson is a Coin
I believe the last answer would be correct.
Farmers wouldn’t hunt their own animals as it would leave them with nothing to haul food and supplies over their long journey’s