awe I'm so sorry I hope you feel better soon
So basically, your French teacher is having you rewrite the sentence, but with the addition of « ne...pas » surrounding the verb. For example, the fourth one would be « Non, je ne mange pas... » and then finish the sentence. You just have to remember conjugations (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles). « ne pas » is like the English word “not,” as in: “I did not eat lunch.” In French, that would be « Je ne mange pas le déjeuner. »
Acting on the same object
If you need me to translate, the it is "Based on figures taken from document 2", but please let me know if you need anything else.
Si vous avez besoin que je traduise, c'est "Basé sur les chiffres tirés du document 2", mais faites-le moi savoir si vous avez besoin d'autre chose.
Hope this helps! :)
J'espère que cela t'aides! :)