The 12 tables were a codification of the customary law of the tribes that founded the Roman state, but was selected and amended according to the needs of the ruling class. they had a small number of provisions that regulate the exchange of goods, provides for severe sanctions against debtors, strict formalism of procedures, attachment to religion, etc. The main part of the law is dedicated to court proceedings and sanctions for torts. It contains several provisions on family and inheritance law, on the law of obligations and a few more provisions on property. One table is dedicated to public law and religion.
Roman law arose only when an attempt was made to codify the law of the Twelve Tables, the oldest Roman law passed 451 BC at the request of the plebeians to limit the arbitrariness of patricians. It got its name from the fact that it was written on twelve bronze plates and displayed on the Forum.
The text has not been preserved, but it has been reconstructed, probably not in its entirety, on the basis of quotations in the works of Roman jurists.
Roma was facing a political crisis, many senators and politicians were fighting to see who gains power of Rome and Octavian the son of Caesar become the sole ruler of Rome and saved everyone from more bloodshed. (from the civil war)
The new constitution created by these moderate revolutionaries declared france to be a new constitutional monarchy. within this new government, all legislative powers went to a single legislative assembly, which alone had the power to declare war and raise taxes. the legislative assembly was an indirectly elected body.
I could be wrong but I believe it was through collectivization? They took away private farms and made them all owned by the state.
The small state of the Israelites had a great impact on Western civilization due to their religion.