Los Incas nunca utilizaron la rueda. Quizás en algún momento la "inventaron", o sabían que era y cómo se hacía, pero la realidad es que tanto la evidencia histórica como arqueológica confirma que los Incas nunca utilizaron la rueda.
Varias razones se han dado como explicación a esto. En especial, el hecho de que los andes sean tan montañosos, impedían un uso eficiente de vehículos con ruedas.
wealthy Romans, Women ran their householdsand bought and trained the family's slaves. many wanted money of their own and were active in. business often they bought and sold property.
poor Romans-Plebeians were the lower class,often farmers. in rome who mostly worked the land owned by the patricians.
The Petition of Right of 1628 contained four main points:
-No taxes could be levied without Parliament's consent
-No English subject could be imprisoned without cause - thus reinforcing the right of habeas corpus
-No quartering of soldiers in citizens homes
-No martial law may be used in peacetime
I bet many things happened in 1790, on you need to be more specific. :)