The correct answer is C ( W * 5 )
The mathematical answer would be 2. To get 11, one would simply put the 1's next to each other but there is an addition symbol. 32 is an irrational number to think of for an answer because there are no other numbers to add or multiply with the 1's to achieve 32. 9 is also irrational for the same reason.
import turtle
my_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
colours = ["yellow", "blue", "red", "orange", "cyan", "pink", "green", "brown"]
for sides in range(8):
- The pencolor statement must be inserted before the forward() call otherwise you have no control over the color of the first line.
- You don't need the count variable, since the 'sides' variable is a perfect counter to index the colours array.
Software that help user of all levels can go be several names:
Web Authoring Software
Visual Web Authoring Software
A WYSIWYG editor
Website design and development application.
It really depends on the text book or your instructor as to what term they use.
As for me?
I use an IDE (Integrate Development Environment), but that is not for all user levels...but if you know what you are doing they cannot be beat!
The number of bits required will be 361 bits.
This is because there are 46 alphabets in existence so you would need about 1,200 characters represented so you would need about 361 bits for the 1,200 characters.
Benefits of single unified system are
i)reduced costs
ii)improved efficiency
iii)increased revenue
iv)better customer service
Drawbacks of single unified system are
i) interoperability problems