A. The artist thinks that propaganda is something that can convince people to think in a particular way. So your art can be used as a tool to communicate ideas to the public.
From the write-up, the artist is talking about propaganda and how all art has elements of propaganda in it.
He believes that any painter who has not been a propagandist has not been a painter because every artist "who has been worth something" and every "strong artist" has been a propagandist at one point or the other.
He wants to be a propagandist and use his art as a weapon that can be used to make people think in a particular way and communicate ideas to the public.
Yo me despierto alas seis de la mañana. Lo primero que hago es lavarme los dientes. Después de eso yo arreglo para l escuela. Boy para la escuela de las 7:50 hasta las 2:20. Cuando llegó ala casa me cambio a ropa más cómoda y como algo. Mas tarde hago mi tarea. Cuando termine la tarea veo un poco de televisión. Finalmente, me baño y me lavo los dientes otra ves y me voy a dormir.
The sentence is incorrect
Explanation: Levantaban is the incorrect word to use and should instead be levantaron.
comunes: azucar, desierto, avendia
propios: puerto rico, ana