Chapter 7
Papá has died, and Mate is scandalized that his other family showed up at the funeral. Mate dreams that she is looking into her dad's coffin, and she starts pulling pieces of a dress out of it until she gets to the bottom, when she sees her father. She wakes up screaming and wakes everyone up.
Chapter 8
Patria cares for Minerva's six-month old, Manolito, while Minerva is on the road, working with the resistance. Minerva and Manolo visit every week, and meet with others on Patria and Pedrito's property. Nelson, Patria discovers, is privy to the secret meetings.
According to the essay, "sympathy for the devil" is a trend where A. a variation in story content in which the monster becomes the protagonist and society the antagonist. We can see this in select literature and media examples like, Hannibal, Interview With the Vampire, and Twilight. In all instances, the main character (hero) is a creature that society in the past has written as a "monster". This trend, no reimagines the "devil" to have good attributes, and creates a new and modern concept of what society finds monstrous.
Carroll liberally employed puns, honomyny misunderstandings. Not everyone will come to the same conclusions and the characters within routinely misunderstood each other based on what we the readers could readily see. They lacked the benefit of printed words.
The court recognizes that the current delivery of education might compromise citizens' rights.