North America and Africa. North America’s life expectancy is around 76 for males and 81 for females. African life expectancy is around 61 for males and 65 for females
Giuehrgfrgrt hdgdttwtr56r
The correct answer is - unequally distributed.
The water on the planet is not distributed equally. Be it the salt water or the fresh water, there's big differences from place to place.
The salt water for example, is much more abundant on the Southern Hemisphere, while it is much less found on the Northern Hemisphere.
The freshwater though, has much bigger differences on much smaller spaces. While places like the northern half of South America or most of Europe are abundant with water, there's places do not have it at all, like the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula actually doesn't have a single stream or river that have a constant flow, while on the other hand, you have a very small country like Macedonia that has over 2,000 streams and rivers on just above 25,000 km².