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Las fuentes de información son instrumentos para el conocimiento, búsqueda y acceso a la información. La difusión del uso de la comunicación a través del ordenador y de flujos de información a través de Internet, adquiere una importancia estratégica decisiva en las sociedades desarrolladas. Esta importancia será cada vez mayor para dar forma a la cultura futura y aumentará la ventaja estructural de las elites que han determinado su formato. Debido a la novedad histórica del medio y a la cierta mejoría de la posición relativa de poder de los grupos tradicionalmente subordinados, como las mujeres, la comunicación a través del ordenador ofrece una posibilidad para invertir los tradicionales juegos de poder en el proceso de la comunicación. Por ello presento en este sitio web la presencia en Internet de las fuente de información útiles para los Estudios de las Mujeres.
dame brailiest porfa
Wood engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) taken from 'London: a Pilgrimage', published by Grant & Co in 1872. Behind the group of exhausted-looking workers in the foreground, others can be seen stoking the fires beneath the gas retorts, sealed vessels where, at high temperatures, the coal was broken down into tar, coke and gas. From the 19th century, manufactured gas was made by the distillation of coal, predominantly for use in lighting. In 1869, the writer Blanchard Jerrold suggested a collaboration with Dore on a comprehensive portrait of London. Entitled 'London: a Pilgrimage', the book contained 180 engravings and although a commercial success, there were criticisms that Dore had concentrated on the poverty of the city.
I know that manifest destiny was the mindset of Americans that they were destined to stretch from coast to coast.
The Louisiana purchase was during that time. Napoleon didn't have the troops to keep Louisiana so he sold it to us for cheap.
The group included 120 wagons, about 1,000 people and thousands of livestock. Their trek began on May 22 and lasted five months. It effectively opened the floodgates of pioneer migration along the Oregon Trail and became known as the "Great Migration" of 1843.