I'm pretty sure it would take way too long and they wouldn't have a pattern to grab information off of.
The Ethiopians surrounded the Italians for two weeks and, upon Empress Tayitu's advice, cut off the fort's water supply. The Italian commander agreed to surrender if they would be allowed to leave with their firearms. Menelik agreed that they could leave the garrison unharmed.
Adopted in January 1639, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut stated the powers and limits of government. ... In addition, the Fundamental Orders required each town to elect four “deputies” to create a legislative branch. The last of the decrees gave the emerging colony the power to tax.
The speech was part of his First Inaugural Address, One of the freedoms was "Freedom from Want'',"Freedom from Fear" was a reference to the war in Europe- these are four freedoms of FDR's four freedom.
FDR's four freedom includes freedom of speech, freedom of want, freedom from fear and freedom of worship. These four demands are true for FDR's fore freedom. Freedom of speech means everyone has the right to express his views about anything. He can speak as per their views. Freedom from want means one is free from any desire and want.
Freedom for worship refers that one is free to worship according to his religious views. There would be no bondage in this regard. Freedom from fear means one is free from unnecessary fear of loss or any other emotional pressure.
scale factor is a number which multiplies