D. prospectus
prospectus is a term used in company law, it can be regarded as a formal and legal document that are used for invitation of offers from the public, so that public can subscribe to or purchase any securities. prospectus is basically a formal and legal document issued by a body corporate which acts for inviting offers from the public for subscription or purchase of any securities.prospectus is usually issued by a body corporate. And in this case the entitlement on issueing of prospectus is open to the every public company so that they can issue prospectus for shares or debentures, however not required as far as private company is concerned. It should be noted that prospectus represents a condensed version of the registration statement that enables prospective investors to evaluate a stock for possible purchase.
1) Household consumption, which accounts for about <u>68%*</u> of the economy, grew at a 4.2% annualized rate during the second quarter of 2016.
*Data obtained from federal government sources.
2) Since household/consumer spending (consumption) represents almost 70% of the nation's GDP, any change will cause a major change in the total GDP. E.g. if consumption increases by 5%, then the whole economy will grow by 5% x 68% = 3.4%.
Prestige pricing is a unique pricing method involving products which would actually generate less overall profit at lower prices than higher prices. As long as the product is views by the public as being "prestigious," it will be in greater demand at the higher price. If the price were lowered, the public opinion of the product would be lower and the product would be seen as less desirable. This results in the product selling less at the lower price than at the higher price.