The answer is true ......
lethal injection
Recorded incidents of botched electrocutions were prevalent after the national moratorium ended January 17, 1977; two in Alabama, three in Florida, one in Georgia, one in Indiana, and three in Virginia. All five states now have lethal injection as the default method if a choice is not made.
The Confederacy? The interest seems to be the act of slavery and the war Lincoln is talking about must be the Civil War, which was taking place while Lincoln was addressing his second inaugural. Lincoln was reasoning that the Confederacy was fighting to keep slavery, which is the interest the "insurgents" have. Lincoln also did not want slavery to continue to spread, but he was fine with having slavery, "restrict the territorial enlargement if [slavery]".
During ww2<span> about </span>1.8<span>% of </span>us soldiers were killed directly<span> in </span>battle<span>. This </span>number went down<span> to </span>0.5<span>% at </span>Vietnam war<span>. What was this </span>number<span> in the </span>Persian gulf<span> - 3910841.</span>
French for 'leave alone', laissez-faire<span> is an economic theory that became popular in the 18th century. The driving idea behind </span>laissez-faire<span> as a theory was that the less the government is involved in free market capitalism, the better off business will be, and then by extension society as a whole.</span>