The most critical policy issue facing America today is the rivalry between Democrats and Republicans, Antifa and Trump supporters, left and right, progressives and conservatives; in short, the inherent social conflict in American society today, which is creating a series of increasingly serious social confrontations among the nation's citizens. Clear examples of this situation are the assassination of George Floyd, the assault on the Capitol by Trump's followers, the constant excesses of Antifa in his mobilizations, and the growing tension between both political groups.
Unfortunately, our government is not taking the necessary measures to unite the nation, but rather each political party operates according to its own interests, increasing the severity of the problem more and more.
The transition from desirable ethics to internal values to actual behavior is internalization of ethical issues and looking inward to ones values.
It would grow because owls are predators to sparrows
Islam began in Mecca
Despite concerns about the reliability of early sources, most historians believe that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century CE, approximately 600 years after the founding of Christianity. Islam was founded by a prophet named Muhammad who allegedly saw a vision from an angel. He wrote everything down and started acting as the angel told him.
writing a poem about someone who has died