words starting with A and B.
- Abandon
- abase
- abate
- abdicate
- abberation
- abet
- abhor
- abyss
- accede
- absolve
- abject
- accolade
- accost
- acerbic
- acquite
- adage
- adhoc
- adjure
- advent
- ad-lib
- adjure
- ado
- aegis
- affable
- affectation
- affirm
- affront
- afoot
- agile
- alacrity
- albeit
- algorithium
- allay
- allocate
- allude
- amiable
- amicable
- analogy
- anomaly
- ardent
- atone
- astute
- aver
- awry
- avuncular.
- babble
- backlog
- badger
- baleful
- banal
- banter
- baritone
- barrage
- bashful
- baulk
- bawdy
- beacon
- bedlam
- beguile
- behest
- benign
- bionicc
- bigot
- blase
- blend
- bolster
- bravo
- breach'
- bugbear
- brevity
- burly
- bustle
- bygone
- byword
- browbeat
The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe uses alliteration in word pairs. In the first three lines of the poem, there are three examples: weak/weary, quaint/curious, and nodded/nearly napping. While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping.
Answer: figurative language
Explanation: Both use figurative language to express hope that the subject will be rewarded in heaven for good deeds. Bradstreet's topic is love and marriage, while Wheatley's topic is King George III.