Elisa and Henry's marriage is a steady one, but it lacks intimacy and passion. Both are too absorbed in keeping up appearances with each other to engage in honest dialogue. In the story, Henry suggests that he and Elisa go out to celebrate after he manages to get a good price for thirty of his three-year-old steers.
Muse, Greek Mousa or Moisa, Latin Musa, in Greco-Roman religion and mythology, any of a group of sister goddesses of obscure but ancient origin, the chief centre of whose cult was Mount Helicon in Boeotia, Greece. They were born in Pieria, at the foot of Mount Olympus. Very little is known of their cult, but they had a festival every four years at Thespiae, near Helicon, and a contest (Museia), presumably—or at least at first—in singing and playing.
A. To do whatever he wants them to do.
A sentence fragment is a sentence that is incomplete, one that is separated from the main claus. In this case "To" is a preposition, which means that there should be more to the sentence. You can tell because you can't fully understand the idea behind the sentence. Therefore A, is the fragment.
That he cares for him and doesn’t want him to feel unwell because he doesn’t want to see him in that state
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