Ptolemy accounted for 'retrograde motion' in his model of the solar system by introducing smaller circles named 'epicycles'.
- According to Ptolemy, the Sun and the other planets in the Solar system orbited around the Earth.
- The Greeks were convinced that Ptolemy's earlier model did not provide for backward or the retrograde motion.
- Ptolemy thought over it for a while and theorized the possibility of 'epicycles'.
- According to Ptolemy, the planets that orbited Earth also orbited another smaller point.
- The smaller orbits followed by the planets while in motion around the Earth in a larger orbit were introduced by Ptolemy as 'epicycles'.
- Until Kepler proposed his models of the functioning of the Solar system, Ptolemy's models were considered the most relevant.
<span>Guyots are seamounts that have built above sea level. Erosion by waves destroyed the top of the seamount resulting in a flattened shape. Due to the movement of the ocean floor away from oceanic ridges, the sea floor gradually sinks and the flattened guyots are submerged to become undersea flat-topped peaks.</span>
Pioneers moved west through a desire to make their fortune through the farming of previously unfarmed lands – too many people it was regarded as an extremely exciting opportunity, a chance of a new life. -The attraction of cattle farming encouraged people to move out west.
<em>The Act 31 requirements were designed to provide Wisconsin's students with instruction in American Indian Studies because of its academic appropriateness and its potential to serve as a positive force with which to combat misunderstanding and social unrest.</em>
<em><u>HOPE</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>IT</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>WILL</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>HELP</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>U</u></em><em><u>!</u></em><em><u> </u></em>
A Mercator map projection greatly distorts the area of land masses near the poles.
Mercator projection is a projection method where the meridians are deposited vertically on the parallel circles, and where the distance along these circles is gradually stretched more in relation to the terrain it gets closer to the pole. The method is common, for example on world and sea maps. It maintains directions correctly.
The projection gets right at the equator but in theory never reaches the poles and it depends on the cylindrical projection. Gerhardus Mercator's projection became famous in the 16th century and has since been used on the seas.