Military spending should be understood as the set of all those economic items that have as their destination the defense and armed security of a state, excluding the forces destined to safeguard the internal order as a police or non-military security forces. Thus, the military expenditure is that destined to the maintenance of the Armed Forces.
The reasons that the Prime Minister gives for making large appropriations to the military are to defense against threats (as with a largest military spending more and better military equipement would be obtained), protection of resources (due to the fact that military custody of the natural resources work as a deterrent for further invasions), and for the maintenance of independence (since it is the military who responds in case of an external aggression).
There were many ideas and forces that motivated people to reform American society during the antebellum years. Such as: anti-slavery, social reform movements, and women’s rights movements. They were all key roles in the effort to remake American Society.
The biggest motivation for the colonization/exploration of the Americas was the desire to find gold. At that time maritime trade was booming and gold was the standard currency and the most valuable. Also just like in every era power came with money which most wished to obtain. This led European explorers to set out in search for unclaimed gold mines for wealth and power.