Michelangelo sculpt the mother figure in his Pieta as a young woman as it is an important work that balances the Renaissance ideals of classical beauty with naturalism.
Second inversion
Both intervals of a root position triad are either major third or minor third.
The interval between the bottom note and middle is perfect fourth so it is not root position.
List the notes: E, A, C
Invert the triad to root position by moving the bottom note up an octave (rotate the letters as if they are in a circle) so that they are separated by only major or minor thirds.
A, C, E
The root is the first note of a root position triad. A
Identify what third the two intervals are.
A - C: Minor third
C - E: Major third
A triad with a minor third followed by a major third is a minor triad.
The number of inversions from a root position triad is the position of the original triad.
A, C, E
C, E, A
E, A, C
It took 2 inversions, so the triad is in second inversion.
Blues- it originated from slaves singing in the fields