It has an average of 10 mm of rain but in September there is exactly 50 mm of rain .Which means that in September there are 2 inches of rain so the average rate of rain is 1-0 inches.
But it is usually dry , really dry.
I really hope that this helps you out a lot.Have a nice day .
The first insect fossils are dated to the Devonian, but because of the development of the genetics, the scientists have been able to trace the appearance of the first insects in the Ordovician. The insects originated from the crustaceans. Initially they were walking on land, but they hadn't developed wings. The wings came to develop in some insects in the Devonian, and since than it has gradually became one of their trademark features. It is interesting that the first insects actually appeared at the same time with the first terrestrial plants, and also that they are the first organisms to develop wings and be able to fly.
A- multinational corporation
This is the thermosphere. It is the region of the atmosphere above the mesosphere and below the height at which the atmosphere ceases to have the properties of a continuous medium. The thermosphere is characterized throughout by an increase in temperature with height.