For this exercise we have to answer the questions and complete the sentnces according to the audio.
All the sentences are written in present indicative, it is used to talk about facts, habits and routines. Each verb must be conjugated according to the subject pronoun.
1. ver, ella ve
2. querer ir: ellos quieren ir
3. traer: ellos traen
4. repetir: repite / oir: ella oye
5. salir: ellos salen
1. Cristina ve televisión. (Cristina watches television)
2. Manuel y Ricardo quieren ir al parque para jugar tenis. (Manuel and Ricardo want to go to the park to play tenis)
3. Manuel y Ricardo traen las pelotas. (Manuel and Ricardo bring the balls
4. Manuel repite la hora porque Cristina no oye. (Manuel repeats the time becasue Cristina does not hear)
5. Los chicos salen para el parque a las cuarto. (The guys leave to the park at four o'clock)
Manana yo voy a la iglesia. have a niceeeeee day