But is the right one for that and if its not then tell me if it is then if it is send me friend invite
A. Personification; it supports the imagery of night and dawn, sleep, and awakening.
The Boy Who Dared is a 2008 novel by American children's author Susan Campbell Bartoletti. It is based upon the true story of Helmuth Hübener, the youngest person to be sentenced to death by the Nazis during World War II. He was arrested and killed on October 27, 1942 sent to a death penalty by guillotine.
1. Thus, for example, Tolstoyan and Gandhism non violence is both a philosophy and strategy for social change that rejects the use of violence, but at the same time it sees nonviolent action (also called civil resistance) as an alternative to passive acceptance of oppression or armed struggle against it.
2. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a nonviolent civil rights movement in the South. ... Chávez led a nonviolent movement in California that worked to better the lives of people in demanding civil rights and social and economic justice.
3. We Should Resist Injustice Everywhere with Non-Violent Disobedience. In "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Dr. King says that we're all responsible for justice across the nation—and around the world. Justice isn't defined or contained by mere laws.
He said Only the Strong deserve to live. He also said that it's not considered murder to kill people since they are of the lowest level.