Tablet- children are always on it
Phone teenagers and older people have their whole life on there.
Laptop- people work on their laptop and will spend hours on it
TV- you can be watching tv and just say one more episode and keep watching for hours
Game console- Many males spend a lot of time playing with friends
I dont even know if im answering the right way sorri if im not lols
Finally, that playing seriously with clay can be used in an investigative ... This view of agency is succinctly summarised by Barandiaran et al. ... irrespective of the nature of the agent, action is divided into cause and effect. ... The work of sculpting proceeds with a “feeling of and for clay”
He studied architecture,mechanics, cosmology, anatomy and geology
The parts of vegetables that can go into the pot are: peels, skins, ends, and leaves
The rhyme scheme of a poem subconsciously affects the way you perceive the writing, much in the same way that the soundtrack of a movie can make you feel afraid, or the way that certain types of rap can make you feel passionate while others make you feel empowered