c. the revelation of how Macduff was born
d. the news that soldiers carrying boughs from Birnam Wood are approaching
Shakespeare's famous play, <em>Macbeth</em>, is a story about the Scottish general, his attempt to become a king and preserve the position. Macbeth is told by the three witches that no man born of woman will be able to harm him, as well as that he is safe until Birnam wood starts moving. Macbeth believes in what they say, ensured that his position as a king could not be compromised. However, towards the end of the play, Malcolm and his army are approaching the castle, camouflaged with the trees from the forest, and Macbeth realizes that he has been misled by the witches' prophecy. This becomes even more clear on the battlefield, when he finds out that Macduff was born by Caesarean section - he was not, in fact, "of woman born."
There are a lot of mammals that walk around the planet every day.<span />
B. order of importance
1. How does the use of logical order affect meaning? Answer: Logical order requires the reader to give each point equal weight. No point is more important than the others.
2. How is the meaning influenced by the use of sequential organization? Answer: Sequential order emphasizes that steps be taken in a specific order.
3. When an author uses spatial order, what is emphasized in the content? Answer: Spatial order places the emphasis on the space being discussed.
4. How does the use of order of importance change the meaning in a text? Answer: When order of importance is used, the reader must value some points more than others.
Answer: C. Bottling up one's feelings leads to resentment and even violence
This is based on the poem,<em> A Poison Tree </em>by<em> William Blake</em>. In it the speaker describes how they were angry with their friend and told them about it which led to the anger dissipating. The same person became angry with a foe and did not tell the foe which led to the anger increasing every day.
It then got to the point where the speaker confronted the foe and ended up either killing or injuring the foe as the foe was lying on the ground at the end of the poem. This shows that one should not bottle up their feelings especially negative ones as they can grow and lead to resentment and sometimes violence.