Cheating in the card game at the end of the novel presents the picture of corruption and evil in the political system. The pigs and the humans both were indulged in the same type of corruption and cheating in the card game. This exemplifies the strength of the political power. Whether it be a human or a pig, the nature of the politician changes with respect to that of the power. Mr. Pilkington and Napoleon entered a heated argument in which both of them tried to cheat in the similar way. This brings to the conclusion that both the pigs and the humans played the role of liars, manipulators and hypocrites when the question of politics and humanities were asked.
English plz I can't understand u
Employment, town creation, diet, time, commuting, raw materials, sport and holidays are important for many reasons. For example, without employment, people would run out of money and businesses would shut down. Town creation allows us all to live properly and have the resources we need. If we don't have a good diet, we have a higher risk of health issues and obesity. We need to be able to commute for things such as work purposes and this is important so jobs will get done. Raw materials are important so the world has enough resources and sport is also important so people are keeping fit and also has many mental health benefits. Holidays are important for mental health and to make memories within families.