When did the Bay of Pigs invasion into Cuba occur?
<h2>April 17, 1961 – April 19, 1961</h2><h3 />
<u>Hope this helps!</u>
They're used by humans for fossil fuel and in entertainment. They were not created by the human race, they were created through thousands of being underground and soft tissues quickly decompose leaving the hard bones or shells behind. Over time sediment builds over the top and hardens into rock.
Here’s a list to some of the main causes
1. Poverty: the state of being poor. The most hungry people in the world are the ones that live in extreme poverty. Those mostly are smallholder farmers in developing countries.
2. Job instability: when someone lacks a job or is paid to little to live comfortably they may be facing hunger. They may not have enough money to eat so they only pay for what they have to instead of food for themselves. For example, a single parent paying rent and food for their kid but doesn’t have enough for themselves.
3. Lack of access to safe water: Without access to safe water, crops can’t grow properly, and people can’t survive or stay healthy.
4. Food shortages or scarce availability of food: Food from the previous harvest runs out and families cut back on meals. The more they run out the less they eat.
La principal razón por la cual la economía exportadora de América Latina repuntó después de la Primera Guerra Mundial fue el hecho de que, tras la guerra, los centros de producción de materia prima de Europa habían quedado destruidos o gravemente dañados. Ademas, las potencias europeas no podían focalizarse en la explotación de sus colonias en África, dado que debían primero reestablecer sus economías internas.
Esta situación generó que los países del único continente en el que no se había desarrollado el conflicto, América, se convirtieran en los principales productores de materias primas a nivel global. Así, países como Argentina, Brasil o México se convirtieron en los principales proveedores de granos y carnes de las grandes potencias europeas, principalmente Gran Bretaña y Francia.
1) obstruction of justice in attempting to impede the investigation of the Watergate break-in, protect those responsible, and conceal the existence of other illegal activities; 2) abuse of power by using the office of the presidency on multiple occasions