Washing machine
Remote control
Stove top/ microwave/ oven/ fire
Warriors are supposed to be strong therefore they do not cry
I honestly have no clue either but I'mma try and "think outside of the box" here so stay with me XD
I mean during thunderstorms there's lightning right? And trees are like the most susceptible thing to lightning strikes because theyre fairly big and tall right? Maybe the trees appearing bright could signify lightning and with lightning comes thunder? I honestly don't know. Or maybe it's relating to some sort of mythology? Like the "heavens" opening up and shining light on the trees to signify rain because a god or something controls the weather? Or maybeee, this might be the best one yet, rain helps plants grow, trees=plants, illuminating of a plant=growth, GROWTH FROM RAIN. Ok I'm done... I hope at least a little of this made sense and maybe helped lol.
From a zoomed out perspective the map would look smalle and the lines on it but look skinny but when you zoom in the lines will be more detailed in you can this see the detail on the map better.
My mom was being helped<em> by me</em> - Passive Voice
Passive voice always have "by" in it so we need to add and even changing the tense
I was helping my mom - Active Voice
My mom was being helped<em> by me </em>- Passive Voice