hyaline cartilage
The hyaline cartilage is the most common cartilage in the
body. It is a glass-like, translucent , bluish-white cartilage that can be
found on many joint surfaces, the respiratory tract and immature skeleton. It
is also present in the ribs, nose, larynx and trachea.
<h2>(Answer 1 points 3)</h2><h2>A. Taxon</h2><h3>3. the categories used in classifying organisms.</h3><h2>Explanation:</h2>
In other words, we can also say that taxon is also known as a taxonomic group of any rank, such as a species, family, or class. It is a group of one or more than one different populations of an organism or the organisms viewed by taxonomists to make a system. These are the rules for naming new animals.
<h2>(Answer 2 points 3)</h2><h2>B. Taxonomy</h2><h3>1. the science of the classification of organisms.</h3><h2>Explanation:</h2>
A taxonomy is said to be a scheme of classification or in other words, we can also define the term taxonomy as the branch of science involved with classification, especially of organisms, systematics. Organisms are grouped together. This science of gives name, describe and classify the organisms including all the plants, animals and the microorganisms of the world.
<h2>(Answer 3 points 3)</h2><h2>C. Family</h2><h3>4. A taxonomic category containing a group of similar genera.</h3><h2>Explanation:</h2>
Family is the one that has been classified between order and genus. A family is also divided into the subfamilies. It is one of the eight main and important taxonomic levels. It is a primary taxonomic category of organisms ranking. This category comes on the sixth number of all the categories lies in a taxonomic group.
<h2>(Answer 4 points 3)</h2><h2>D. domain</h2><h3>2. The largest taxonomic category.</h3><h2>Explanation:</h2>
In the three-domain system of taxonomy, if we talk about the domain then we would define it as the superkingdom or empire. It can also be said to be as it is the highest taxonomic rank of organisms. It is a taxonomic category above the kingdom level. There are three domain such as Bacteria, Archean, and Eukarya, which we can say are the major categories of life.
Working down mate, my best answer would be carbon monoxide, but I'm not studying exactly what you are. All those answers are logical except ozone.
It is most likely a flesh wound
A flesh wound is a wound that breaks the skin and may cause bleeding, but doesn't puncture any internal organs or bones.
Gggggggggggggghh by Ed for G