Los síntomas del chancro incluyen una o más ulceras y dolor en los nódulos linfáticos, es decir en el área donde las piernas y el tronco del cuerpo se unen. La úlcera empieza como un granito doloroso que se llena de pus y luego se convierte en una llaga o úlcera.
Population density =number of individual divided land area
land area should be in square kilometers
therefore 120 ha =120 x0.01=1.2 square kilometer since 1 ha=0.01 kilometer square
total population= (80 x 1500)/100=1200
population density is therefore=1200/1.2=1000
The correct answer is Naltrexone.
Disease: Kleptomania & Symptoms
It is an unusual condition disorder in which a person has an urge to steal the things even if they don't need it. This is a type of impulsive disorder which is characterized by repeating and continuous patterns of stealing.
Naltrexone is a drug that cures this disease, this drug blocks the effect of endogenous opitates that may be released during stealing. In layman language one can say that it blocks that part of he brain which feels pleasure with some of the addictive behaviors. It was found that after eight weeks of treatment by this medicine, the urge to steal things was reduced.
Answer: I could but how do I show
The planet would be Neptune and Earth's average time is 365.2 days aka a full year (1 year).