Answer: I believe what happened was Russia launched Sputnik 1 and after realizing we now have the technology to go to space, we began competing to see who could get to the moon first which ended up with U.S. making it first on 21st July 1969
Explanation: Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957.
Medgar Evers is the person being described in your statement. Medgar was an important part of the Civil Rights movement, as he fought to end segregation at the University of Mississippi. Along with this, Evers also fought for the ending of segregated public places as well as expanded voting rights for African-Americans. He also helped in setting up NAACP chapters all over the south and organized boycotts that helped to bring national attention to injustices faced by African-Americans in the south.
This quote makes clear that there is a very clear hierarchy at the Executive Branch.
Only the truly hard decisions are left to the President. Most decisions in the Executive Branch are taken care of by people who are, as President Obama put it, "down the food chain".
A: The coupon was for 20% off
B: The price without a coupon is $14.73
C: Your friend can afford a small pizza
I knew for A that it was 20% off because 20% of $16.25 is $3.25 and if you were to add $3.25 to $13 it would equal the normal price of $16.25
I knew for B that it was $14.73 without a coupon because $10.31 is 70% of $14.73
I knew for C that it was a small pizza because 15% off of $11.60 is $9.86 and since she only has %10 that is the biggest pizza that she can buy
The end of the 80s and early 90s saw the defeat of USSR in Afghanistan and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.
This eventually lead a widespread change in Central America.
Earlier, the United States sought to control Central America and even supported dictators and regime changes to counter local communist parties.
In Europe, they similarly supported Eastern European Pro-Western parties.
However, by the end of 1992, the United States had abandoned as they did not see the USSR as a threat anymore.