Boolean Operators
When performing a boolean search, boolean operators allow users to combine keywords with operators (or modifiers) such as AND, NOT and OR to further produce more relevant results.
The boolean operators AND and OR are used to include certain words and phrases during the search while the boolean operator NOT is used to exclude certain words and phrases.
Technology is a method or skill of utilizing scientific information to reach the goals that include computers, machines and also different techniques.
Advantage of using technology
- Information can be quickly stored and shared very easily.
- Technology is used in all companies and businesses to achieve the tasks in a short period with efficiency,
- Technology has reduces the human errors that have helped to reduce the work stress.
Disadvantages of using technology
- Corruption and terrorism have increased due to advancements in technology.
- with the help of technology, digital and data manipulation is done.
- Too much connected or dependent on technology can cause several psychological problems such as narcissism,depressions, distraction.
- Using too much of technology can affect physical health such as vision problems, hearing problems, neck strain.
PWC stands fro personal water craft (aquascooter, jet bike,
jet ski, wave runner, ski free, motorised
surfboard etc.). The operator of PWC must be at least 16 years old.
In order to minimize the risk of accident or injury the PWC operator must follow several rules:
- the pwc operator should know the boating rules
- to monitor the speed of the vessel to ensure that a safe speed is being maintained.
- to adhere to the 5 knot rule (approximately 10kph) when close to shore,
other boats (including boats at anchor) around dive flags and swimmers,
fixed structures (ramps and jetties)
the coefficient of x here is 4
pls let me know if its wrong or right ..i"ll try another way than:?