Answer: The reason people care about climate change, Is because the worst it gets the more dangerous it becomes, To US and THE ORGANISMS around us. Another reason some more people might care about climate change is that if climate change gets worse it could and CAN have irreversible results and damages such as disrupting and destroying many crops that we need for consumption and market, The water source since we still haven't found out a way to clean ocean water we are stuck with the glacier water which thanks to climate change are running out.
That's my paragraph
Yes, B is correct
Another answer that isn't on there would be how local businesses cannot compete with overseas producers.
Answer: Africa includes the rich source of water drainage in the form of rivers.
The course travelled by the major rivers in Africa are as follows:
1. Congo: Center to north and further to the Western region finally drains into the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Nile: Northeastern part to the North and then finally to the Mediterranean Sea.
3. Zambezi: South eastern to Indian Ocean.
4. Niger: West to the Guinea Gulf.