Safety gear should be sport-specific. It may include such items as goggles, mouth guards, shin-elbow-knee pads, and helmets. The safety gear should fit properly. Sports equipment (such as bats, baskets, and goals) should also be in good working condition.
Why was Mr.Yellow given the criminal conspiracy that so happened around a digital device?
How come was Mr.Yellow using this device and was he really sharing it with others?
Book- kidnapped, poem- the mirror speaks, and he has quotes
Answer and Explanation:
<u>A viable answer that can work with this analogy is:</u>
Key is to door as a combination is to <u>end product.</u>
<u />
<u>Another answer could be:</u>
Key is to door as a combination is to <u>success.</u>
The key is used to:
- Unlock a door
- Open up a pathway
- Open the door
- Open a pathway to success
A combination (of something), with the something being:
- a group of people
- the work of a group of people
- things put together
- a mix(ture) of things
The combination (of something) can:
- Lead to success
- Lead to a solution
- Lead to the final product
<em><u>#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)</u></em>
<em><u>I hope this helps!</u></em>
1) self dependency
2) own financial support
3) mental health changes