Power kills and impoverishes life. Billions of people live without freedom, In the worst of these countries, they live in fear and insecurity. They are literally slaves, bought and sold, or the effective slaves of their governments. Expression is who you are you basically hiding your identity and holding your opinion against you.
The CEO earning 2.5 million per year
For 12 to 16 hours a day, workers dipped treated wood into a phosphorus concoction, then dried and cut the sticks into matches. ... However, too much of it can cause phosphorus poisoning. People who were exposed in matchstick factories to white phosphorus are known historically to have developed physical ailments.
Glosnost (sp?)- the opening of the USSR to the rest of the world and western goods/ideas.
The incident that started the Sepoy Rebellion was related to a rumor about the the Army using animal fat (especially that of bigs) to grease the inside of bullet cartridges.