The correct answer is C. terrorism and natural disasters
The problem with extremists and extreme weather conditions such as monsoons, tsunamis, floods, and similar, caused tourism to be on the decline in SEA countries.
The answer is D South Carolina
A) A fort was established and many were killed by diseases
Lewis and Clark's expedition was not positive to the native of Mandan village the most devastating epidemic was the smallpox outbreak in the year 1837 killing a lot of people. The epidemic played an important factor in uniting the surviving Mandans and Hidatsa who later engaged in trade, farming and hunting.
Evans' interest in the island of Crete, which according to the Greek legend hosted an ancient civilization of "Minoans," was sparked by Heinrich Schliemann's discovery of legendary Troy. Like Schliemann, Evans was an amateur archaeologist, driven by his passion for mythology of the ancient world.