I think this is a bad idea.
It's a bad idea because its not smart to carry a heater around. It can catch on fire or you can burn yourself. It depends on what size and type it is.
It depends.
If this person is someone who is a toxic person, then yes drop them. But if they aren't and they are genuine good friend, then you should stay with them. If they get too loud (because I suppose that can be bothersome), just ask them to lower their voice and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But otherwise, they are a good friend and don't get peer pressured to losing this good friend.
At least, that's what I think.
Continual, Continuing
The word periodic means something that is occurring occasional not often.
It is unknown what caused the fire. Some say that some kids played with a match or that it was a cigarette that Johnny or Ponyboy didn't put out. Johnny and Ponyboy help to save some schoolchildren from the burning church. When they try to get out, a piece of timber falls on top of Johnny, breaking his back.
Does this work...10,20,30,40,<em><u>50</u></em>,60,70,80,90,100?