The correct answer is - Competition to develop strong economies and build large empires.
There were lots of tensions in Europe about the shares that each colonial country had on the other continents were the natural resources were abundant. While some considered that they had won this territories fair and square, others were on the opinion that they should get some of the colonies under their control. The background of this was of course the economy, and the competition between the nations to be wealthier, military stronger, and enlarge their territories. Unfortunately, these tensions led to a World War.
B) they traveled on foot while hauling their belongings.
A. Abandoning those living under brutal regimes and denied human rights is seen as a past foreign policy flaw.
capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or business on capital goods the production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the General market known as a market economy rather than through Central planning known as a planned economy or command economy
Whether to remain in town and risk catching the disease
Answer: Option C
- Daniel Defoe was the author of “A journal of the Plague Year”. The plague was so devastating that killed so many. People believed that it was a curse from God.
- The narrator stayed inside London noting down all the happenings during the plague.
- Geraldine Brooks was the author of the novel “Year of Wonders book “. This book writes about a house maid, Anna Frith and her life incidents through the year of plague.
- The common point between these two books was if it was important to remain in town and catch the deadly plague.