Prehaps the preporation in the german armies riseing and falling at the same time failing.
English speakers:
“How the American occupation changed the linguistic situation of the Philippines”
This is what they are asking, help them out :)
The United States home front during World War II supported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of volunteer efforts and submitting to government-managed rationing and price controls
Dance Halls was a popular form of entertainment
1. Suleiman the Magnificent
2. Religious
3. Reforms
According to historical evidence, the Ottoman and Safavid Empires, with their rulers SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICIENT and Abbas the Great, helped practice RELIGIOUS tolerance REFORMS.
Superman the Magnificent came to power in 1520, until he died in 1566. During his reign, he was known to be religious tolerant to the Jews and Christians. He performed many socio-political reforms, including taxation, education, and law.
Similarly, Abbas the Great ruled between 1828 to 1629. He also allowed religious tolerance and carried out many reforms, including civil administration and military.