President Theodore Roosevelt privately wrote to journalist William Allen White, expressing doubts about the accuracy of Sinclair's claims. After reading The Jungle, Roosevelt agreed with some of Sinclair's conclusions. The president wrote that "radical measures must be taken to put an end to the efforts of arrogant and selfish greed on the part of the capitalist." After this the president ordered to investigate some meat packing facilities.
Upon hearing of the visit, the owners made their workers thoroughly clean the factories before the inspection. In any case, many of the statements that were portrayed in the novel could be verified. That year, the Animal Industry Office issued a report rejecting Sinclair's most severe allegations, characterizing them as "intentionally misleading and false."
All this resulted in the approval of the Meat Inspection Law and the Pure Food and Drug Law; the latter established the Office of Chemistry (in 1930 it was renamed the Food and Drug Administration).
A) House members have less voters to appeal to so they are harder to defeat than Senators.
House members have less voters to appeal to so they are harder to defeat than Senators. House districts are an average of 750,000 people so House members can be more connected to their constituents compared to a Senator who represents and entire state.
Twain is using a satire exposing imperialism as revealed in the Boxer uprising and its aftermath, the Boer war and the philippines American war
Spain was responsible for introducing livestock and cattle ranching in the south-west.
Have a good day and hope I wasn't too late.
I need to see more of the question to answer