If the independent agency exercises any type of executive powers such as imposition or enforcement (and most of them do), Congress can not participate in the process of habitual dismissal of the commissioners. Constitutionally, Congress can only participate directly in impeachment proceedings. The Congress may, however, pass statutes that limit the circumstances under which the President may dismiss the commissioners of the independent agencies. Members of Congress can not serve as commissioners on independent agencies that hold executive powers, nor can Congress appoint commissioners, the Constitution Appointment Clause confers that power on the President. The Senate can participate, however, in appointments through "advice and consent", which occurs through confirmation hearings and votes on candidates of the President.
Equivalent rights for the blacks failed because of the fact the community and state regulation makers surpassed regulations that segregated the whites and the blacks (Jim Crow regulations). The KKK became formed in 1866 to maintain blacks from partaking interior the community via intimidation. The KKK might carry any black they had to because of the fact no white jury might convict a white for killing a black,<span>
In addition to the potential threat Iraq posed to the U.S., Pres. Bush had to take into consideration the threat against U.S. allies in the region. The 2003 invasion of Iraq resulted in the arrest of Saddam Hussein and the removal of his regime.
It depends, if the victim is conscious, then the first step would be to ask permission to administer aid.
But then after that, or for an unconscious victim, the first step would be to analyze and see if there are any obvious major problems, if there is a pulse and breathing