African nations' raw materials and workforce served as fuel to imperialist countries. It helped them attain richness and development they have today. This situation did not help African nations but only made their country stagnant. The Africans spent their hundreds of years to servitude to make imperialists prosper.
Wilson rejected both policies.
President Wilson reject both the Big Stick policy and Dollar Diplomacy.
The Big Stick policy was enacted by President Theodore Roosevelt and it was based on the theory that the United States could use force to maintain stability in Latin America. While,The Dollar Diplomacy policy was created during President William Howard tenure, it is a form of foreign policy to minimize the use or threat of military force but instead sought to address international problems by extending American investment overseas, believing that such activity would both benefit the US economy and promote stability abroad. However, during the Presidency of President Woodrow Wilson, he had a different vision and approach about the way the United States foreign policy should be applied. He promote and proposed a different policy called "Moral diplomacy" a form of foreign policy which support is given only to countries whose beliefs are analogous to that of the nation i.e supporting those countries considered allies to the United States to help them to grow as a nation.
Western countries focused on keeping communism only within countries that already had implemented it rather than trying to abolish it completely first.
Well, mercantilism is when the colony is only made to support the mother country. In this scenario, the mother country is Great Britain and they are benefiting off of the colonies in America. America doesn’t want to only benefit England, but they want to be independent. That was tension enough.