C. Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact is a non-binding, collaborative arrangement among its members that provides a legal framework for states to assist one another in managing a disaster or an emergency that has been declared by the governor of the impacted state.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact is a mutually help agreement reached between the states and territories of the United States and this reach agreement made it possible for states in the United States to share resources when witness either natural or man made disaster.
This case ruled to be unconstitutional for state officials to create school prayer or recitations in public schools because it violated the establishment clause.
Try founder of role is Luigi moretti
One reason why people settled here is because the soil is very fertile. When snow melted in the mountains, there were yearly floods. The floods deposited silt, which made the land very fertile. The Sumerians were the first people to settle in this region.