Curly was trying to be friendly to a husky dog, but the dog was vicious and began to attack her face, she was trying to protect herself, but then the pack of 30-40 dogs came and attacked her as well, killing her in the process.
The real-life basis for those following characters is that they are all there because they are hoping to look for the meanings of their life and that they are finding a way to fit in.
I appreciate that whoever she is, is smiling.
I would prefer that I knew why she was smiling, else ask her why, please.
<em>The wolves
There were small rabbits that lived in the park near the wolves. However, the wolves never liked the lifestyle of the rabbits. This is because the wolves were not comfortable with their lives, but it was the only way that they would live. On particular nights many wolves were killed through lightening. However, they still blamed the rabbits for causing their death. On another night the wolves were killed by an earthquake, and they always blamed the rabbits. It was during this time that the wolves started conflicts with rabbits.