Atlanta was a beautiful Greek woman, she could run faster than any other human. She didn't want to marry, so she creates a challenge. The only way a man could marry her was if he bet her in a race. Hippomenes or Melanion asked help to Aphrodite, she gave him three magical golden apples. He throws the apple into her path, Atlanta slows down to pick up the apple and Melanion won the race.
The allusion in this passage and its interpretation is "Thousands are ushered into the world"; although some slaves have white fathers, they are still lineal descendants of Ham and should remain slaves.
This allusion makes reference to the biblical curse over Ca'naan, where it says "And he said, Cursed be Ca'naan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren." this says that generation after generation the sons are cursed to be under the demands of their "owners" due to the lack of respect of Ca'naan towards his father.
The answer is C.
Romanticism was a period in arts from the late 18th century throughout the 19th century. Some of the main characteristics of this period were: emphasis on the writer`s emotions and imagination, fascination with nature, women and mythical elements, freedom, countryside... Authors from this period celebrated life, led a bohemian way of life, they were against wars and industrialization...
Reading this excerpt we can find many beautiful descriptions of nature and see the writer`s fascination with it.
So the correct answer is: the emphasis on the beauty of nature